If you’re the property manager for several properties owned by the same landlord, you don’t have to execute a property management agreement for each property.
Use the Multiple Property Addendum (TXR 2204) instead to add several properties to the same management agreement.
This form is one of more than 130 available only to members of Texas REALTORS®. Access all your forms through zipForm or at xyschool.net/realtorforms.
This form seems to be lacking one bit of information – the first line shows the commencement date, but does not refer specifically to a previously dated property management form. As we manage more than two other properties for a specific owner, it kinda just hangs out there without a reference.
It’s an addendum to the property management agreement you already have in place.
What if I’m the acting property manager for my dad’s house I live in, it was my home until month or so ago I put it in his name due to medical reasons and my renter was told that, but she’s causing problems violence against me, because she get drunk everyday and causes probs. But rented a room to a friend per verbal agreement no lease month to month tenancy at will. Am I able to use the Notice terminating right of occupancy because she come at me to assault me and today she caused harm to me, she got… Read more »
Serina, I can help you with the real estate part of your question. The legal part is better for an attorney.